What an opportunity to start 2022 with a boost towards a more energy resilient operation. The Australian Government will release a grant program in January targeting SME food and beverage manufacturing businesses. The grant will provide $10,000 to $25,000 to improve energy resilience through energy efficiency practices and processes, that could bring together improvement in productivity and sustainability performance while reducing operational costs.
Applications for the program open on 12 January 2022 and close on 18 February 2022, with grants offered on a first come first serve basis. The grant funding can be used for projects such as:
Energy audits and energy management plans
Higher efficiency equipment and technologies
Energy consumption monitoring and traceability
Process energy recovery
Waste stream management
Process automation and controls
EnergyLink Services is ready to guide and aid your business with taking advantage of this fantastic program. Our team members have extensive experience in the food and beverage industries. Deriving value for our customers by leveraging solutions that range from opportunity identification from energy audits, installation of energy efficiency technologies, and installation and monitoring of energy monitoring systems, among others.
Check out our team’s capabilities at EnergyLink Services Team, or contact us to send a copy of our CVs.
Please reach out if you would like assistance with taking advantage of this energy efficiency grant program. Please contact our Principal Consultant Mark Wallace at mark@energylinkservices.com.au. For full details of the program please follow business.gov.au.