Audit & Assurance
The NSW Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) aims to reduce electricity consumption in NSW through energy efficiency improvements.
The Scheme offers financial incentives for organisations to invest in energy savings projects, making it an attractive option to reduce consumption. The ESS places a mandatory obligation on Scheme Participants to obtain and surrender Energy Savings Certificates (ESCs) on an annual basis.
Scheme Participants (electricity retailers) and Accredited Certificate Providers (ACPs) are subject to periodic audits which must be undertaken by a member of IPART's Audit Services Panel. EnergyLink Services are a member of the ESS Audit Panel and can conduct reasonable assurance audits across all methodologies with prudent oversight and efficiency.
The Victorian Energy Upgrades Program (previously the VEET Scheme) is the key energy efficiency initiative operating in Victoria. It encourages the installation of energy efficient products and services in households and businesses by setting a state-wide target for energy savings.
Accredited providers who deliver these upgrades can generate Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs), which represent the greenhouse gas savings associated with the upgrades and can be sold to relevant entities (energy retailers) via the market.
The program is administered by Victoria’s Essential Services Commission who oversee compliance. EnergyLink Services are a member of the VEU Audit Panel and can conduct independent audits for Annual Energy Acquisition Statements.
EnergyLink Services’ in-house Approved M&V Professional (AM&VP), Rodrigo Padro, is able to validate project plans and implementation reports for energy-saving projects implemented under the VEU project-based activities methods.
Let us free up your energy levels
EnergyLink Services has demonstrated experience in audit and assurance, offering services across a range of voluntary and mandatory carbon and energy reporting programs.
Leading the EnergyLink Services audit team is the Managing Director, Philip Link, a highly experienced greenhouse gas and energy assurance professional. Phil has completed hundreds of limited and reasonable assurance engagements across a range of State and Federal Legislation and Schemes.
The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER Act) was introduced to provide a single national framework for reporting and disseminating company information on greenhouse gas emissions, energy production and energy consumption.
EnergyLink Services can assist organisations liable under the Act with audit and assurance services.
NATIONAL GREENHOUSE AND ENERGY REPORTING (NGER) have established the world’s first voluntary carbon removal marketplace for the sale CO2 Removal Certificates (CORCs) to companies wishing to neutralise unavoidable emissions. CORCs are created by product suppliers for each tonne of CO2e removed from the atmosphere via the production and sale of carbon net-negative products using verified methods. These products include biochar, carbonated building elements and wooden building elements, all of which absorb and store more CO2 from the atmosphere than is emitted during their production.
ELS is’s only auditor in Australia and conducts Production Facility and Output audits under all the methodologies. Contact us to find out more about how you can participate in the Carbon Removal Marketplace as a production facility or buyer.
The Climate Solutions Fund or CSF (previously Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF)) and Safeguard Mechanism are the Australian Government’s signature policies to reduce national carbon emissions and work toward meeting our emission reduction targets set under the Paris Climate Agreement. EnergyLink Services can provide audit and assurance services to organisations requiring audit services under the CSF and as liable entities under the Safeguard Mechanism.

2.884b kWh
Energy savings audited by EnergyLink Services
Upgraded LED street lights assured by EnergyLink Services in NSW
Audits completed by EnergyLink Services