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Geelong Port

Geelong, VIC

February 2020 - August 2020

Geelong Port
Geelong Port
Geelong Port

Project Description

Located in Corio Bay, Victoria, in 2019 GeelongPort released a 20-year Environmental Strategy with the vision of becoming Australia’s most environmentally sustainable bulk port.

In 2020, the first stage of the project focused on detailed desktop analysis of energy and water consumption, stakeholder interviews to understand opportunities for energy and water efficiency measures and workshop these with relevant stakeholders.

The second stage of the project included a comprehensive Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory and the finalisation of a Type 2 energy audit in accordance with the Australian/NZ energy auditing standard (AS/NZS 3598:2014), including a site visit, development on energy performance indicators, energy use breakdown, development of detailed financial and technical business cases for opportunities identified by stakeholders and from the findings of the site visit – the opportunities identified included solar PV, lighting upgrades, asset procurement policy (total cost of ownership), power factor correction and additional submetering/SCADA modification to evaluate motor upgrades.

Key Results

  1. Completed a detailed water and energy audit report for Corio Quay and Lascelles Wharf

  2. Assisted with formulating 2018/19 baseline year carbon inventory and provided a carbon emissions calculation spreadsheet designed to be used by GeelongPort on an ongoing basis

  3. Identification of power factor correction isues resulting from a single piece of equipment, with costs from poor power factor exceeding $50,000 per annum

  4. Developed a series of ‘bankable business cases’ to improve energy effcinecy, incorporate renewable energy opportunties

Associated Services


In 2020, EnergyLink Services undertook an independent audit for GeelongPort Pty Ltd (GeelongPort) to assess their water and energy usage at their Corio Quay and Lascelles Warf facilities. From this assessment, EnergyLink Services provided recommendations on energy and water management as well as assisted with formulating their carbon inventory baseline year.

EnergyLink Services provided water and energy management recommendations that helped bring GeelongPort towards their vision of becoming the most environmentally sustainable port in Australia.

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